short film

Chris, a young lawyer, drives on a nightly road heading towards Hamburg. But his ride takes an unexpected turn as he witness a tragic accident. A crime, two sadistic police men and a bestial ranger: The angst-ridden Chris realizes, that this horrifying night won’t be over soon… This tremendously thrilling and fast-paced movie grabs you from the first minute and surprises as a spine-chilling shocker with some nasty black humor. - Not for the faint-hearted!

"A masterful combination of tragedy, horror and comedy!"
Joel Schumacher (Phone Booth, Tigerland, 8mm)
"Phenomenal. The best student film that I've ever seen!"
Stuart Brennan, Director British Horror Film Festival
"This German short film St Christophorus: Roadkill is incredible."
„The worst goddamn night in history!"
Fantastic Fest USA
"It’s a dark and violent ride.”
personal contact:
Gregor Erler | office[at]

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