
"Erlers „Letzter Mieter“ ist der Star unter den autarken Filmen."
Die Welt
"Geburtsstunde eines neuen Hoffnungsträgers."
"Ein packend-dramatischer Thriller."
"Daumen hoch!"
"Beklemmender Berlin-Thriller"
"A surprising gem of a movie."
The Movie Isle
"Grandiose Schauspieler"
Der Letzte Mieter / The Last Berliner
Thriller / Drama
feature film / 97 minutes
premiere: 53rd Internationale Hofer Filmtage release date: August 13th 2020

director: Gregor Erler
writer: Gregor Erler, Benjamin Karalic
producer: Matthias Ziesing, Gregor Erler, Christopher Cornelsen

recent awards (excerpt):
Best Feature Film (5th Manchester Film Festival) Audience Award (30th Kinofest Lünen) Best Director (SFAAF Festival 2019) Best Actor (AFIN International Film Festival) Best Feature Film (London Indie Film Awards) Best Director (Nominee, Heinz Badewitz Preis) Official Selections (Hofer Filmtage, Catalina USA, Cinéfest Sudbury, Genrenale, Rome ICF, European IFA, 15th Grossmann Fantastic Film Festival ...)

more news

February 2025
new feature film DUENENTOD - TOEDLICHE GEHEIMNISSE (directed by Stephan Rick & written by Gregor Erler) airs on TV + streaming.

August 2024
new feature film DUENENSTURM (WT) starts shooting, directed by Stephan Rick & written by Gregor Erler

June 2024
Gregor directs new music video for Ben Zucker(UNIVERSAL MUSIC)

February 2024
new feature film DUENENTOD - FALSCHES SPIEL (directed by Dominic Müller & written by Gregor Erler) airs on TV + streaming with amazing ratings

July 2023
new feature film DUENENTOD - FALSCHES SPIEL starts shooting, directed by Dominic Müller & written by Gregor Erler

February 2023
Gregor is now represented by FBE Agency & Management

February 2023
Gregor develops a new limited series (Thriller) or ODEON FICTION

February 2023
feature film DUENENTOD (directed by Ismail Sahin & written by Gregor Erler) airs on TV + streaming with amazing ratings

January 2023
Gregor develops a new limited series (Drama) for ODEON FICTION

January 2023
Gregor develops a new limited series (Thriller) for MadeFor Film

August 2022
feature film DUENENTOD starts shooting, directed by Ismail Sahin & written by Gregor Erler

August 2022
Gregor's film THE LAST BERLINER is now avaiable on AMAZON, SKY, APPLE+

July 2022
Gregor directs two new music videos for Tochter (EK-ENTERTAINMAENT)

June 2022
Gregor directs the new music video for The Kelly Family (UNIVERSAL)

January 2022
Gregor writes the feature film DUENENTOD for RTL/MadeFor

December 2021
Gregor writes a new feature film (Thriller) for CONSTANTIN FILM

August 2021
Gregor directs the new music video for Santiano (UNIVERSAL)

February 2021
Gregor develops a new TV-Series for MADEFOR FILM (ENDEMOL SHINE).

January 2021
Gregor directs music videos for the Seelemann (UNIVERSAL), Ramon (ELECTROLA RECORDS) and Ben Zucker (AIRFORCE1 RECORDS/UNIVERSAL).

August 2020
After a highly successful festival run and international sales, Gregor's film THE LAST BERLINER gets its nationwide release in german cinemas on August 13th.

August 2020
Gregor directs another music video for the band Tochter (UNIVERSAL)

July 2020
Gregor directs music video for Die Atzen (UNIVERSAL)

March 2020
"The Last Berliner" is the opening film of this year's EUROPEAN FILMWEEK at the prestigious 92years-old, 700+seated movie theatre Garas in Lithuania.

March 2020
Gregor directs another music videos for the band Tochter (UNIVERSAL)

February 2020
Gregor directs music video for the the highly successful german singer Ben Zucker (AIRFORCE1 RECORDS / UNIVERSAL). It's his fifth video for the artist.

January 2020
Gregor's film THE LAST BERLINER is honored by the Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung FBW with the prestigious rating "Prädikat BESONDERS WERTVOLL" (especially worthwhile) for its outstanding quality and relevance.

November 2019
Gregor directs music videos for the band Tochter (UNIVERSAL)

November 2019
Gregors feature film "The Last Berliner" wins the audience award at the prestigious 30th Kinofest Of German Films.

November 2019
"The Last Berliner" wins BEST ACTOR at the AFIN - International Film Festival "A strong action-thriller feature film that captures the essence of bigger budget films, and delivers on strong performances." AFIN - International Film Festival

October 2019
german film review page calls Gregor's first feature film "A beacon of hope for german genre films"

October 2019
We are proud to share the news, that the awesome score of our film DER LETZTE MIETER / THE LAST BERLINER by the great Rutger Hoedemaekers (Trapped, Arrival, Mother!) is officially released. Get it on spotify, apple music...

August 2019
Gregor directs new music videos for Ben Zucker (AIRFORCE1 RECORDS / UNIVERSAL)

July 2019
"Gregor Erler's film is a treat for all fans of European thriller!" 15th Grossmann Fantastic Film Festival

May 2019
"A buzz title from Germany at the Cannes Market: The hostage thriller The Last Berliner, directed by Gregor Erler." Screen Daily

May 2019
"The Last Berliner" is the opening film of this year's GENRENALE in Berlin.

April 2019
Gregor directs 18 episodes of the web series Watchbooks

March 2019
"Winner for Best Feature at the Film Festival, The Last Berliner actually proves to be a little gem of a movie. Set mostly in one room, and making minimal but effective use of flashbacks, The Last Berliner manages to be funny, tense, sad and sympathetic at the same time, and turned out to be an surprising gem." The Movie Isle

March 2019
Gregor's first feature film "The Last Berliner" wins BEST FOREIGN FEATURE and BEST FEATURE FILM awards at the 5th Manchester Film Festival. It is the UK premiere for "The Last Berliner".

October 2018
Gregor's first feature film "The Last Berliner" will premiere at the prestigious International Hofer Filmtage. It is nominated for BEST DIRECTOR, BEST PRODUCTION, BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN and BEST COSTUME DESIGN

October 2018
Gregor directs music video for Kate Louisa (Bassstadt)

September 2018
Gregor directs experimental dance video with Christina Perrera and Ludger Pistor

September 2018
Gregor directs music video for Julia Engelmann (UNIVERSAL)

August 2018
Gregor directs two music videos for PUR (UNIVERSAL)

April 2018
Gregor shoots music video for Glasperlenspiel (UNIVERSAL)

January 2018
Gregor shoots another music video for Ben Zucker (AIRFORCE1 RECORDS / UNIVERSAL)

October 2017
Picture Lock for Gregor's upcoming feature film "Reissleine" (release October 2018)

July 2017
Gregor shoots music video for Bell, Book & Candle (AIRFORCE1 RECORDS / UNIVERSAL)

April 2017
Gregor supervises the post production of his upcoming feature film "Reissleine" (release October 2018)

March 2017
40 Million views on YouTube for Gregor's music video "Wie schön du bist" (UNIVERSAL MUSIC)

March 2017
Gregor shoots music video for Ben Zucker (AIRFORCE1 RECORDS / UNIVERSAL)

November 2016 - January 2017
Gregor shoots new feature film "Reissleine" in Berlin

April 2016
Sarah Connor wins ECHO 2016 for her album "Muttersprache". Gregor shot the music videos for "Wie schön du bist" and "Bedingungslos" (UNIVERSAL MUSIC)

December 2015
Gregor shoots the new music video for Sarah Connor (UNIVERSAL MUSIC)

Mai 2015
Gregor shoots music video for Sarah Connor (UNIVERSAL MUSIC)

June 2014
Greg supervises new commercials for Bodykey UK February 2013 Greg shoots commercials for Amway UK

February 2013
Rea Garvey is nominated for ECHO 2013 for his album "Can't Stand the Silence". Gregor shot the music video for "Can't Stand the Silence" (UNIVERSAL MUSIC)

November 2012
Gregor shoots music vid for Johannes Oerding (SONY MUSIC)

November 2011
Gregors commercials for CONRAD ELECTRONICS won bronze @ the GWA EFFIE Awards and are nominated @ The London International Awards. His TERRE DES HOMMES commercial is nominated @ Deutscher Werbefilmpreis, PLUS: Gregor is nominated for Best Director @ The 11th Sichuan TV Festival, China.

September 2011
"The Melissa Tree" teaser hits the Toronto Film Festival. Teaser shot by award winning young German director Gregor Erler.

August 2011
shooting music vid for REA GARVEYS upcoming single "Can't Stand The Silence"

July 2011
preparing teaser for london based FIG CINEMATICs spy thriller script "The Melissa Tree"

June 2011
shooting music vid for EMMA6 upcoming single "Leuchtfeuer"

February 2011
oel Schumacher (director of Phone Booth, Tigerland, 8mm, The Jury, Falling Down, Flatliners) calls ST.CHRISTOPHORUS "A masterful combination of tragedy, horror and comedy" (Quote: Film & TV Kameramann 02/11 (p. 78)

January 2011
"St.Christophorus: Roadkill" will be screened at the Max Ophüls Film Festival 2011.

December 2010
Gregors new commercial "PAPER WORLDS" is shipped with 150 prints to movie theatres. Gregors TV-spot "X-MAS" for Conrad Electronics will be on air soon.

December 2010
"St.Christophorus: Roadkill" wins the Silver Tadpole Award at the prestigious PLUS CAMERIMAGE in Poland.

December 2010"St. Christophorus: Roadkill is nominated for 3 more festivals in Spain, Belgium and Poland. Check Awards for further updates.

November 2010
"One Man Show" wins at the Golden Knight Malta International Film Festival the golden knight for the best student short.

October 2010
"St. Christophorus: Roadkill" wins at Sitges Film Festival the Paul Naschy Award and at the British Horror Film Fest in the category: best student short.

September 2010
"St. Christophorus: Roadkill" will be screened within the next months in Germany, USA, Prague, Denmark, Mexico, UK and Spain. Check Awards for further updates.

August 2010
"Der Eintänzer"/ "One Man Show" is nominated for three more festivals in Barcelona, Granada and Germany!

August 2010
Gregor shoots a commercial for Terre des Hommes.

July 2010
"St. Christophorus: Roadkill" wins the JURY'S CHOICE AWARD at the prestigious 14th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival in Korea!!

July 2010
"St. Christophorus: Roadkill" offiziell im Wettbewerb beim 14. Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival in Korea.

Juni 2010
"Der Eintänzer" offiziell im Wettbewerb beim Shanghai International Filmfest in China.

April 2010
"St. Christophorus: Roadkill" gewinnt beim Ivy Filmfest (USA) in der Kategorie: Best international Film.

Dezember 2009
Der Bayerische Rundfunk (BR) sendet am 18.12. die Kurzfilme „Bad Luck, Good Luck!“ und „Ideallinie“

November 2009
Am 11.12. läuft im Kino Gabriel in München „Bad Luck, Good Luck!“

Juli 2009
Die Dreharbeiten und der Schnitt für „St.Christophorus: Roadkill“ sind beendet. Es folgt die Postproduction bei Geyer Cinepost, Basis Berlin und RiseFX.

März 2009
Die Vorbereitungen für Gregors Diplomfilm „St.Christophorus: Roadkill“ beginnen.

Februar 2009
Der Schnitt des Serienpiloten „Stellenweise Liebe“ (AT) ist fertig.

Dezember 2008
Dreharbeiten für Werbespot „D115“ für BMI.

Oktober 2008
Dreharbeiten an dem Serienpiloten „Stellenweise Liebe“ (AT, 45min.) beginnen. Producer ist wie bei „Ideallinie“ Libor Tesacek.

September 2008
Gregor hat das prestigeträchtige UCLA-Stipendium erhalten und wird für 5 Wochen nach Los Angeles fliegen und dort an Workshops und Meet&Greets teilnehmen.

August 2008
Dreharbeiten für Werbespot „Der You-Tube-Typ“ für BzGA.

Januar 2008
Zum Jahreswechel gibt es die endlich die offizielle Website zu Gregor Erlers neuem Filmprojekt "Der Eintänzer".

Juli 2007
Festivalnews international: "Breaking the Rules" wird auf dem Short Shots Festival laufen und in den kommenden Monaten auch in Australien (Festival "Realm of the senses") zu sehen sein. Das Shnit-Festival ist dort eingeladen und wird dort eine Auswahl deutscher Kurzfilme zeigen. Ausserdem lief er erst kürzlich in der Tschechei. "Bad Luck, Good Luck!" läuft auch wieder: So zum Beispiel auf dem Short at Moonlight Festival und auf dem Internationalen Filmfest in Detmold. "Wochenende für Inländerfreunde" wird auf dem Theatron Festival in München laufen (ca. 4000 Besucher täglich!) und "Ideallinie" läuft auf den HIGHLIGHTS in Ludwigsburg und wird demnächst auch in Litauen gezeigt.

Juni/Juli 2007
Noch eine Nachlese zu "Wochenende für Inländerfreunde": Der Film hat eine sehr schöne Kritik vom "Filmtipp" Medienbrief Nordrhein-Westfalen bekommen und die Pädagogische Kommission empfiehlt nun offiziell "Wochenende für Inländerfreunde" für den Schuleinsatz!

personal contact:
Gregor Erler | office[at]